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About me

Animals have been my passion my whole life which is quite extraordinary given the fact that I was mauled by a neighbor's German Shepherd when I was five. Five years later, destiny brought a different German Shepherd, Sandy, into my life.  Sandy followed me home, decided I was her human, and adopted me.  Throughout my life, I've had dogs (large and small), cats and a beautiful Morgan horse that I rescued from starvation named Chauncey. 


The inspiration behind Kat O'Quinn-Pet Concierge comes from the many animals I have encountered over the years.  A small token (see gallery for photo) of appreciation from the local animal shelter that I volunteer with made me realize that next to family time, the moments that have been most rewarding (in 30 years of working), are the moments I've spent with animals.  Do what you love -  Kat O’Quinn- Pet Concierge.

"Katrina not only has veterinary hospital experience but she is also super calm and all of our animals, large and small, love her".

                   - Jill Skinner

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